Protecting Lives & Property from Wildfire through Education
The little things make all the difference! Get ready to get fire wise:
Step 1: Prepare to Evacuate
Plan well in advance for the Early Evacuation of You & Your Family
ALERT: If there is an active fire in your area, click here now.
To be fire wise and prepared for emergencies, your top priority as a resident of the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) is to be ready to leave at a moment's notice. This is a great practice no matter where you live and highly desirable. But wildfire preparedness is even more important when living in and around wildlands and heavily wooded areas.
Step 2: Harden Your Home
Harden Your Home & Home Ignition Zone Against Wildfire
To a fire your home is fuel. The Firewise® program will help you learn simple, easy, and many times small things you can do to make your home less of a fuel for fire. This will also make your home way less prone to being ignited by embers or firebrands. A hardened home may even resist direct flame contact. With your home at its center, moving outward, you address your entire Home Ignition Zone.
Step 3: Go Early
Leave the Incident Early & Stay Safe
This is where you put your plan into action. If you have carried out at least Step 1, you should be ready to quickly and safely evacuate. There are some considerations to keep in mind when evacuating, even for the best laid plans.
Firewise® Videos
Serous about Firewise®? Watch These Firewise® Videos
Firewise® videos assembled for you. They cover fire behavior to home hardening to the Oakland Hills. Jack Cohen is featured and the home ignition zone he formulated is addressed.