The Bright Oak Area Firewise® held their Firewise® day chipping program on Saturday and Sunday, August 1st and 2nd. Congratulations on your progress!
Bright Oak Firewise® Background
Firewise® Madera County coordinator Roger Maybee was contacted by Oakhurst California, Bright Oak Lane area residents to learn more about getting firewise.
Over the past several weeks, Firewise® Madera County has been working with residents, and continues.
Mr. Maybee made presentations to area residents explaining home hardening, the home ignition zone, the NFPA outreach and education program, and what they can do to help protect their lives and property from wildfire.
The Bright Oak area residents decided to join the program, aiming to harden their home ignition zones, and ultimately earn national recognition.
They formed their Firewise® Board and went to work!
Firewise® Assessments
Mr. Maybee met with neighborhood residents to perform Firewise® mitigation assessments of their homes and a community assessment.
Residents learned how they can do their own home assessments. They learned detailed, structure and neighborhood specific information regarding the issues they face to harden their homes and improve their community.
Firewise® Chipping Day
Some brush cutting and clearance was done ahead of time. Brush was stacked butt end out on the road shoulders. The neighborhood rented a chipper from Lister Rents and held their chipping day!
Work was done on the chipping day, making good progress towards making their neighborhood more Firewise®. There is much to be done but Bright Oak is moving forward.
Earning Recognition
While their goal is protection against wildfire, with the peace of mind that comes from preparedness, Bright Oak Area Firewise® decided to earn national recognition under the Firewise® Communities USA program.
[Click to find out why your community may want to become recognized]