Today marks the beginning of Madera County’s web centric efforts to implement the Firewise® Communities Program for Madera County.
Part of the NFPA’s Firewise® Communities program, Firewise® Madera County acts as a critical component of the implementation and ongoing monitoring of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan for Madera County, adopted in 2009.
This site is intended to be the central hub for Firewise® Madera County’s online community education and outreach.
Firewise® Madera County is part of the Firewise® Communities program with a stated purpose of:
“The National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Firewise® Communities program encourages local solutions for wildfire safety by involving homeowners, community leaders, planners, developers, firefighters, and others in the effort to protect people and property from the risk of wildfire.”
The Firewise® Communities program was established by the NFPA to bring greater awareness to property owners in high fire danger areas as to what they can DO to help become wise regarding fire. The primary focus of the program is preparing the “home ignition zone” from the center of the home outward on a 200 foot radius in preparation for the inevitable wild fire.
“To save lives and property from wildfire, NFPA’s Firewise® Communities program teaches people how to adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work together and take action now to prevent losses.”
While there are many legitimate and important factors in fire danger that need to be addressed and mitigated, being fire wise truly starts at home.
Teaching at risk residents to be educated, proactive and taking real action to protect their lives and homes is our goal.
To read more about the Firewise® Communities program and its focus on teaching collaborative personal responsibility for home ignition zones in high fire danger areas click here.