“Wildfire! Preventing Home Ignitions” is a great 20 minute video brought to you by Firewise® Communities USA. The video covers a lot in a short time including how fire behaves, dispelling many myths about wildfire home ignitions, and defines what is the home ignition zone.
The video explains that homes should be seen as fuel, and your neighbors home is too, and how you can prepare your home ignition zone to give your home the best chance for survival in the event of fire, or wildfire. Many subdivisions are high density, or high enough density, to create large areas of overlapping home ignition zones. This makes preparation for preventing home ignitions a team community effort.
Preventing home ignitions is especially important for homes in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), that is, homes adjacent to public and private wild lands. These homes are more at risk from wildfire, and pose a greater risk of causing wild lands wildfire. Firewise® Madera County works in collaboration with the Madera County Community Wildfire Protection Plan targeting specific communities and goals to save lives and property from wildfire as well as with local agencies like the US Forest Service and Cal Fire.
Firewise® Madera County is the County of Madera’s Firewise® Communities USA program. The County of Madera is in the central California and Eastern Madera County includes the Central Sierra Nevada mountains and forests. http://Firewise®MaderaCounty.org/
Through the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Firewise® Communities USA program, Firewise® Madera County aims to educate and empower Madera County homeowners to prepare for the inevitable catastrophic wildfire. Saving lives and property from wild fire through community outreach and education is the goal.